Ive been on a walk in the valley and there were times I thought I might just lay down and die there.. lol A few weeks ago I saw this picture in my mind and I kept seeing it. It was like a desert floor with lots of cracks. Clay like reddish brown in color and I could see it for a long way. I asked God what it was and He said the foundation needs water. Its cracking apart like clay does when it drys up. It needs water. With water it will become smooth again and solid. I thought about then and kind of shrugged it off not really understanding why He was showing me this. Today it seems so clear. When I went to church last sunday and I just cried it out, I felt like this warm water just pour over me and my soul. It just washed over me and I felt spiritually cleansed and renewed in the Holy Ghost. It was like I was that desert floor. I needed the living water to wash over my soul and smooth it out and make it whole again. I know this probably doesnt make much sense to everyone, but it does to me. God always is there to meet you at the end of the road. He just picks up your weary heart and holds it for awhile. I felt like He gave me a big squeeze and it gave me the strength to go on. All the prayers from my church family were priceless and so very much needed. Thank God for the saints who dont have to know the details but will just pray and touch God for you when you need it most. Wednesday night my pastor preached a message called "Let me be right" It was so good I cant even tell you in words how good it was. It just gets better and better at TPC in Hollister... I am blessed to be here. The love God has put in my heart for the ministry we are under is something I cherish. There are a few preachers that have touched my life and made a tremendous impact on my heart. My pastor is one of them. What a great and mighty God we serve!! He cares about us more than we will ever know. My pastor preached about how God cares about the details of our lives and how we should pray about every detail in our lives.
This past weekend I went to patterson to work at the apricot festival for my cousin who owns a kettle corn business. On friday I checked the weather and it said saturday would be 90 degrees and sunday 89. I thought it will be so much hotter in the trailer. So I thought about the message and I prayed God please cool down the weather for us so we wont be boiling in that trailer. I hate to be hot. I know you may think Im crazy, but the weather was cooler and had a nice breeze and I thanked God for answering MY prayer. It was super tough work but I didnt roast!! Thank you Lord for changing the weather in my life spiritually and literally over the weekend in patterson. YOU ARE GREAT!!!!! God answers prayer and yes even the little ones....
Amen! How wonderful to be a part of God's family - to let the Lord mold us - and to know that God answers our prayers.
It's all in His hands, even when going thru the storm. Your post helped me today. :)
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