Today as I was walking into a place to have lunch there was a lady sitting on the bench outside. She was dirty and sitting under the hot sun. Her feet were exposed and were swollen and dirty. Her fingernails were filthy and her clothes unwashed.
Something pricked my heart. I said hello to her and she smiled back and said hello. Something touched my heart as we walked through the door. I quickly turned back around and went back outside and asked the lady if she had eaten. She said no. I asked her if she wanted a burrito and something to drink. She said yes. Then as I went to go in to order her a burrito she said God Bless you. I responded the same. I gave her a burrito and a sprite. When I walked back in my friend said, do you know her? I said no, she looked hungry.
When I went to give her the burrito I hugged her and I told her God loved her and she was not forgotten. I told her to take care of herself and eyes filled up with tears. I asked her name and told her I would be praying for her. I wanted to ask her if she wanted to be baptized, but I knew I couldn't on my 30 min break.
When I went inside the people at the counter were talking and saying that she was always outside and begging. My friend told me what they were saying in spanish. I told her you know what. I dont care if she is there every day. She is hungry and I have the means to feed her. I dont care who she is or where she is from or what her situation is. I care I passed by her and she was hungry and if it is within our power to help when we see a need we should do it.
My friend agreed. I watched the lady eat the food and drink her sprite from the window and I sadly wondered, Lord how did she arrive here? at this place in her life? What has she been through to bring her to this desolate place? I told my friend that could be me or you or anyone of us. Such were some of you the bible says. Her name is Elizabeth. She could be somebody's mother. She is someones daughter. Sister? Friend? She is something to somebody. And even if she isnt God sees her. God loves her. As I sit here back at the office with tears streaming down my face my heart breaks for her. No one wants to be like that. She just needs Jesus. Thats all she needs is a touch from the Masters hand. Next week when I go back I plan to sit and have lunch with her. Im going to tell her about my Jesus. Im going to tell her where she can find hope in her life. Today I could only feed her real food. Hopefully God will allow me to feed her spiritually. Although I have given to the homeless before, I am no saint. I have walked by homeless people and also rushed on by. Thinking aawwww. Hating to see them in despair. What did I do?? Nothing. Today God would not let me keep walking.
God saw her need. God provided for her. He just needed my hands to give her the food. He just needs us to do what He wants to do Himself. He uses us as His mouthpiece. us as His hands. Us as His feet. If God would of not unctioned my spirit, I dont think I would of stopped.
Now I realize I have to do something. No one stopped to feed her today. No one cared. God sent me there because His child was hungry and He used me to feed her. I take no glory from Him. Because it was all His will. For all I know Elizabeth could of been praying for food.
I feel so small to see how Big He can be. God loves Elizabeth and He loved her through me. I felt this love when I hugged her. Gods special love. She smelled and was dirty but love saw past that. God sees past all the fault and sees the need. I feel so blessed God would allow me to experience this compassion He has for the lost.
I wonder when was the last time someone hugged her? Then I feel so privileged God allowed my arms to be His today. Jesus help me to stop and do your will and not to rush by and forget about anyone. Thank you Lord for the lesson of Love today. Please pray for Elizabeth..
Something pricked my heart. I said hello to her and she smiled back and said hello. Something touched my heart as we walked through the door. I quickly turned back around and went back outside and asked the lady if she had eaten. She said no. I asked her if she wanted a burrito and something to drink. She said yes. Then as I went to go in to order her a burrito she said God Bless you. I responded the same. I gave her a burrito and a sprite. When I walked back in my friend said, do you know her? I said no, she looked hungry.
When I went to give her the burrito I hugged her and I told her God loved her and she was not forgotten. I told her to take care of herself and eyes filled up with tears. I asked her name and told her I would be praying for her. I wanted to ask her if she wanted to be baptized, but I knew I couldn't on my 30 min break.
When I went inside the people at the counter were talking and saying that she was always outside and begging. My friend told me what they were saying in spanish. I told her you know what. I dont care if she is there every day. She is hungry and I have the means to feed her. I dont care who she is or where she is from or what her situation is. I care I passed by her and she was hungry and if it is within our power to help when we see a need we should do it.
My friend agreed. I watched the lady eat the food and drink her sprite from the window and I sadly wondered, Lord how did she arrive here? at this place in her life? What has she been through to bring her to this desolate place? I told my friend that could be me or you or anyone of us. Such were some of you the bible says. Her name is Elizabeth. She could be somebody's mother. She is someones daughter. Sister? Friend? She is something to somebody. And even if she isnt God sees her. God loves her. As I sit here back at the office with tears streaming down my face my heart breaks for her. No one wants to be like that. She just needs Jesus. Thats all she needs is a touch from the Masters hand. Next week when I go back I plan to sit and have lunch with her. Im going to tell her about my Jesus. Im going to tell her where she can find hope in her life. Today I could only feed her real food. Hopefully God will allow me to feed her spiritually. Although I have given to the homeless before, I am no saint. I have walked by homeless people and also rushed on by. Thinking aawwww. Hating to see them in despair. What did I do?? Nothing. Today God would not let me keep walking.
God saw her need. God provided for her. He just needed my hands to give her the food. He just needs us to do what He wants to do Himself. He uses us as His mouthpiece. us as His hands. Us as His feet. If God would of not unctioned my spirit, I dont think I would of stopped.
Now I realize I have to do something. No one stopped to feed her today. No one cared. God sent me there because His child was hungry and He used me to feed her. I take no glory from Him. Because it was all His will. For all I know Elizabeth could of been praying for food.
I feel so small to see how Big He can be. God loves Elizabeth and He loved her through me. I felt this love when I hugged her. Gods special love. She smelled and was dirty but love saw past that. God sees past all the fault and sees the need. I feel so blessed God would allow me to experience this compassion He has for the lost.
I wonder when was the last time someone hugged her? Then I feel so privileged God allowed my arms to be His today. Jesus help me to stop and do your will and not to rush by and forget about anyone. Thank you Lord for the lesson of Love today. Please pray for Elizabeth..