Well I dont know if you remember the Mellow's but, they were the elderly couple we met at the gas station one night on our way to church about 6 months ago. We gave them a bible study and have since become friends with them. This past sunday we went by their house on our way to bible hour and told them we would be honored if they would be our guests at church. Mr. mellow has always told us he wasnt ready to visit yet. Something told me to stop by anyhow. They agreed and came to church for the first time. My husband had went to their house the friday before and gave them the last lesson and talked to them about the plan of salvation.
They both went to the alter and prayed after the service. Then we asked them if we could bring them some lunch after church. We went home and got changed went to the store and went back to their house and Sis Gloria met us there. Mr. mellow said he really enjoyed the service but didnt understand why they were running and some other stuff. My husband talked to him and explained a little about why we do what we do. Something kept tugging at me to bring up water baptism. Finally after dinner was over I just said Mr. Mellow we love you guys and we want you to be ready God forbid tomorrow may not come. I know my husband has talked to you about water baptism and how do you feel about that? He wanted to see it in the bible. We showed him again and he said, Noel you ar right tomorrow is not promised and if this is part of what it takes to be ready lets go. He asked his wife and she said well if you are I am.. It was so cute. Then me and Sis Gloria made the mad dash to find warm water.. lol We called everyone and no answer. Finally I got ahold of the Leonardo's home # and she answered and said of course. On our way he asked us to stop at his granddaughters house and ask his granddaughter to come and his daughter-in-law. They werent there. We called Sis Gloria to ask her to call them because she is good friends with them and she said. "Noel they are both in the car with me and the granddaughter is going to be baptized too." I was so excited. The daughter-in-law had prayed for many years for their salvation. Recently she has been out of church. She was attending an apostolic church. Her daughter has been to our refuge services and knew Melissa Leonardo. This was all planned by God. Kim the daughter-in-law said she would be coming to our church and kept thanking us for reaching out to her family. My husband baptized all three of them. His first baptism since he was ordained. I was so proud of him. This is such a great testimony of how great God is. Mr. Mellow was so happy. He kept saying, "I wish I would of done this sooner and not waited until I was 77. I kept standing in awe of how God never gives up on people and extends his mercy to the honest heart even at 77. That just amazes me. I told him with all confidence this is going to change his life forever for the good. His wife Rita kept saying as we were driving home. Im free!! Im free!! Its so ironic these elderly people are our babies in the Lord. "OUR babies" I am so thankful I could cry.. This is what serving God is all about. Bringing souls to Jesus... Nothing better than this feeling.. Be not weary in well doing for in due season ye shall reap if you faint not!!! Thank you Lord for the Mellows!!!!!