We have been in revival with Bro. Greg Henry. What a tremendous young man. Monday he taught on standing behind the ministry. This is something that has always been in my heart. Every since I was a little girl I have had a special love and burden for the ministry.
I have seen over the years the dynamics of being in the ministry and it is a high road that our ministry pays a price for. I have heard people say I want to preach and be anointed yet lack a prayer life. Even as a saint it takes commitment, faithfulness, consecration and dedication. As a minister these requirements are much deeper and higher than our own. The Bible says to much given much is required. It is so true. There is a cost. There is a price to pay. I think people see the end result of a preacher or pastor or evangelist and desire to step into those shoes without walking a mile in that mans steps. I was listening to Bro. Arnold the other day and he said as only he can, "You want my anointing? You want what I got? well then fight my devils, pay my price bubba!" Its true. We have no idea what price some of these great men and women have paid to be where they are. Bro. Arnold can just lay it out. I love that about him. I love his preaching and I also understand Bro. Arnold has been through hell and high water to have the powerful anointing he has. That has cost him something. Sometimes I get frustrated with these young men who want to ride in on the coat tails of great sermons preached by some great preachers without paying the price. They talk the talk and walk the walk but there is no depth or substance to who they are. It is not backed up with a strong prayer life or knowledge of the word. If you want to be used of God there is a cost. Ill bet these great leaders could tell you what travail is. They can write a book about being tried by the fire. They can give a bible study on intercessory prayer. They can walk you through the valley experience. They can describe to you the enemy. These great anointed people all are well acquainted with the power of prayer. The word is written in their heart. Their Bible has wear and tear. It doesn't come easy. We think the devil is chasing us, it is nothing compared to how he can chase our ministers. Pastor mentioned how a couple of ministers had fallen away from this great truth and my heart just broke. I kept thinking about that message Trophies of Hell. Those ministers could be trophies on hell's wall. What a loss. We must pray for our pastors and their wives and their children. The devil is like the master hunter. If he can get our minister he would rather have them than us. He will take us but he is really hunting the big bucks. I pray for our evangelists that come through. They have a hard road. They need our prayers. Our missionaries, they need our prayers. Our leaders over us. Never take it for granted what God has blessed us with. He has given us one of the greatest preachers in the world. Don't you think the devil would like to sift him as wheat? Our pastor is fighting for our city. He fights the prince of darkness over Hollister. He is only a man. He has great anointing but how much stronger could it be if we together lifted him up in prayer every day. If we kept a hedge prayed about him of safety. If we prayed more for his wife that pays the ultimate sacrifice of being his help mate. She is the backbone of who he is. I know we pray for our pastor and his wife but what about a little more? More than usual. More than what we do. It will strengthen them. It will build them up. It will increase their vision. It will keep the enemy far at bay from getting anywhere close to the shepard of our souls. Even the shepard needs rest. Can he close his eyes and feel secure in knowing my flock is praying I am safe. Oh God give us all a burden for our ministry. In every church. Pray for every pastor, every teacher, every evangelists, every prophet, every apostle and all of their wives who carry these great men. Our women ministers as well and their husbands. What we put in with our prayers for them we will reap the benefits of their anointing. There is a cost for the call, are you willing to pay it?????
I have seen over the years the dynamics of being in the ministry and it is a high road that our ministry pays a price for. I have heard people say I want to preach and be anointed yet lack a prayer life. Even as a saint it takes commitment, faithfulness, consecration and dedication. As a minister these requirements are much deeper and higher than our own. The Bible says to much given much is required. It is so true. There is a cost. There is a price to pay. I think people see the end result of a preacher or pastor or evangelist and desire to step into those shoes without walking a mile in that mans steps. I was listening to Bro. Arnold the other day and he said as only he can, "You want my anointing? You want what I got? well then fight my devils, pay my price bubba!" Its true. We have no idea what price some of these great men and women have paid to be where they are. Bro. Arnold can just lay it out. I love that about him. I love his preaching and I also understand Bro. Arnold has been through hell and high water to have the powerful anointing he has. That has cost him something. Sometimes I get frustrated with these young men who want to ride in on the coat tails of great sermons preached by some great preachers without paying the price. They talk the talk and walk the walk but there is no depth or substance to who they are. It is not backed up with a strong prayer life or knowledge of the word. If you want to be used of God there is a cost. Ill bet these great leaders could tell you what travail is. They can write a book about being tried by the fire. They can give a bible study on intercessory prayer. They can walk you through the valley experience. They can describe to you the enemy. These great anointed people all are well acquainted with the power of prayer. The word is written in their heart. Their Bible has wear and tear. It doesn't come easy. We think the devil is chasing us, it is nothing compared to how he can chase our ministers. Pastor mentioned how a couple of ministers had fallen away from this great truth and my heart just broke. I kept thinking about that message Trophies of Hell. Those ministers could be trophies on hell's wall. What a loss. We must pray for our pastors and their wives and their children. The devil is like the master hunter. If he can get our minister he would rather have them than us. He will take us but he is really hunting the big bucks. I pray for our evangelists that come through. They have a hard road. They need our prayers. Our missionaries, they need our prayers. Our leaders over us. Never take it for granted what God has blessed us with. He has given us one of the greatest preachers in the world. Don't you think the devil would like to sift him as wheat? Our pastor is fighting for our city. He fights the prince of darkness over Hollister. He is only a man. He has great anointing but how much stronger could it be if we together lifted him up in prayer every day. If we kept a hedge prayed about him of safety. If we prayed more for his wife that pays the ultimate sacrifice of being his help mate. She is the backbone of who he is. I know we pray for our pastor and his wife but what about a little more? More than usual. More than what we do. It will strengthen them. It will build them up. It will increase their vision. It will keep the enemy far at bay from getting anywhere close to the shepard of our souls. Even the shepard needs rest. Can he close his eyes and feel secure in knowing my flock is praying I am safe. Oh God give us all a burden for our ministry. In every church. Pray for every pastor, every teacher, every evangelists, every prophet, every apostle and all of their wives who carry these great men. Our women ministers as well and their husbands. What we put in with our prayers for them we will reap the benefits of their anointing. There is a cost for the call, are you willing to pay it?????
I'm willing to pay it, Noel - for they watch for my soul.
Thanks for this wonderfully worded post. I agree with everything you wrote here.
I'm prayin' with you, and many others, every day, for Pastor and Sis. Hurst.
Thank you Sis Tena.. You are such an inspiration in regards to prayer. You are a wonderful example of what we need to do. Love u
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