Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rapture Ready

Merry Christmas to everyone... God is so good any words would fail in comparison to His goodness. I feel blessed. My pastor preached about having the favor of God the other night and that has always been my prayer, Lord let me be pleasing in your sight and find favor in me. I pray almost daily God would allow me to find favor with all those who come in contact with me. I have seen this come to fruition in my life. People have been so generous with me and doors have been opened I know were closed and locked. I see how that very prayer God has answered in my life. I know these blessings are from God. Favor among men comes from God. Ive always asked God what is it that would cause you to favor my life? I pray God whatever it is let me do or say or walk that way. I search for Gods favor. The other night answered my question. Humble yourself. Know Gods word and live it.. I want the Lord to be pleased with me. I dont want Him to be disappointed in me. I wasted so much time being displeasing by running from the Lord and His will. I was thinking the other night about how we as a family spend our time. I was joking with my husband and I told him instead of watching a movie start watching for the sky to crack open and get rapture ready. We were laughing but I thought about it later and I thought about how we need to start spending more time being rapture ready than sewing to the flesh. That is my prayer coming into this next year. More Jesus..... Looking for the coming of the Lord is how I want to spend my future. He is coming like a thief in the night and I want to be ready. Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Love everyone..Be blessed and stay safe and be rapture ready... Love The Cordovas

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Gods perfect gift for the Cordovas

This year flew by for me. Christmas is next week. It has been the best and worst year for me. Bad for the flesh that deals with feelings and emotions and lives in reality. Great for the spirit who trusts in God and lives by FAITH. Lots of death of loved ones which brought sorrow to my heart. A new spiritual awakening that brought passion to my soul. Looking at the year through my eyes of flesh brings a longing for a better year. Seeing the year through the eyes of the spirit brings hope that God is in complete control. The greatest present I can appreciate this Christmas was the gift of our new church and church family which God blessed us with this year. I can see so clearly God's Divine hand on our lives when He placed us under Pastor and Sis Hurst. Spiritually this has changed our whole life in a direction destined for great things through God. Its so hard to put into words how I feel in my spirit. I am so thankful God has put us under a pastor that preaches so fervently there is a hell to shun and a heaven to gain. I have said so many times to so many people I lost count. I dont want someone to pat me on the back when Im living wrong and tell me your doin good honey while Im heading straight to hell and lie to me. I want someone to tell me the truth just like it is. Get right or you are going to burn... lol Pastor dosent say quite like that but I believe with all of my heart he would if he saw fit. I can appreciate that kind of a pastor. My family needs this kind of man to who will speak the truth even if it hurts for the good of our souls. Sis Hurst music ministry has allowed me to experience such anointed worship that has enriched my soul. She reminds me in so many ways of Sis Nelson whom I love and adore. I just cant express how blessed I feel. I feel like God placed us in a land of spiritual riches where there is NO LIMIT..Where it is up to us how high and how deep we want to go in God. I want to thank God for watching over my family so closely and literally chasing me back into the house of God, Not just any house but this house we feel privileged to call our home church now. No one knows where we could of ended up if God had not intervened. So this Christmas I give honor to the King of Kings allowing our souls to be watched over by Pastor and Sis Hurst. It was a gift from God to The Cordova Family. Thank you Jesus for loving us so much. I love you more than I could ever say. I cherish this Gift from the core of my soul. I thank you for all the spiritual blessings that came with this gift and all that are to come. I am in need of nothing else this Christmas. I only ask God for one last gift and that is for Baby Luke to be well, alert, healthy and smiling for Chrismas. Please everyone whisper a prayer for my friends The Fernando Family for a cancer free and peaceful Christmas. I thank you in advance Lord and give you all the Glory...

Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only God keeps You Going

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


The other night God woke me up and said to me pray for baby Luke he is cold. Pray the baby is cold. I was half asleep and I prayed God told me to pray for his blood count so I did I fell back asleep praying for God to send an angel into the room an angel that would bring warmth. I prayed for God to warm the room where he was. I fell asleep again and woke up a little while later I woke myself up by speaking in tongues loudly.
I just whispered a prayer again for baby Luke.
I think this was Saturday early morning around 4 or 5 am. I had not talked to his mom at all. I told my husband the next day. That was kinda weird huh honey?? God told me the baby was cold????? I knew he had been in surgery but I didnt understand why he was cold??
Yesterday I e-mailed my friend Jen and told her what happened to me. This was her response today..

Noel,Tonight when I was at the hospital I was just talking to Ben about the last few nights and stuff. He was telling me how the other night...or early morning rather Lukey was so cold they finally put a warming blanket on him. I just stared at him and then told him about your email. We were both just taken back by it. Praise God for people who are sensitive the Lords voice and spirit. Thank you so much for all your prayers for Luke. I can't even put into words how much it means to us. Love you.

I am sharing this with you not to lift myself up but to prove God hears our prayers! And it is vital to obey the voice of God when it comes to you. I just cried because I was so glad I prayed for Luke and didnt ignore the call like I have before. I always try to wake myself up, but I have been guilty to shrug it off and keep sleeping.
God is seeking for an intercessor. God needs us to intercede like never before. I feel this burden in my heart to intercede. I stayed after church on Sunday for awhile interceding and the burden is still in my heart today. I dont want to ignore that still small voice that calls me to intercession.
Please pray for our family this week we are in the process of wanting to relocate to Hollister for work and to live. We feel this is the will of God and we need God to open the doors. In Jesus name.
God help me to answer when you call me.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The gift of peace...

Yesterday God showed me He will turn all things around for the good. I have had much regret and pain over leaving God for a season of my life. It is never worth it to backslide. NEVER!!! Im not proud of who I was or what I did when I left, but God showed me everything is not in vain.
One of my close friends came to church yesterday. Let me tell you the story although I never thought I would talk about some of these things I feel like it will bring God glory sharing part of my shame.
I met Michael when I was backslid. The very night I met him God began to speak to me about him. God would do this to me all the time. It didnt matter if I was high or whatever God would speak to me about people like He does now in church. I remember saying to God I am not going to tell this guy anything. He is dealing drugs and we are here to get high and I am in no frame of mind to talk to him about God. Well I didnt tell him and God didnt let me sleep that night. I wrestled with the voice of God all night. I finally got so upset and asked God to leave me alone. I told God why dont you use someone who is sitting on the front pew of the church begging to be used. I am not worth your time. Why do you talk to me about people when Im drinking and have no right to tell them about you?? I was so frustrated. God spoke to me so clearly that night and I will never forget it, He said, Noel your gift can operate under the anointing or your gift will torment you. Its up you but the gift I have placed on your life will not leave you. Of course at the time I cried and just shook my head and thought why me Lord? What do you see in me?? I felt so unworthy of this and upset I couldnt make it go away.

I saw him a couple more times out and about and I finally told him I have to talk to you. He said ok and sat down with me. I told him God told me to tell him he was running from a call on his life. I told him God said he loved him and a bunch of other stuff. The whole time he was quiet and I said I know I am no one to tell you this and you probably think Im crazy but if I dont tell you God wont leave me alone.

I was shocked by his response. He said if God tells you to tell me something I hope you would tell me. It may be the last time you see me. You dont know what I do out there. He told me this is not what I really want to do but I can make more $ in a week than in a month with a regular job and I have a family to take care of. He said dont be embarrassed to tell me anything about God I believe you. He said there is never a wrong time to talk about God.

I knew there was something different about him. We became very good friends and I eventually went back to church. We would always talk about God and sometimes I would cook him something to eat and try to tell him to stop and come to church. He always told me he loved his wife and his kids so much and he wanted to stop. I told him how much God had changed my life and he eventually got caught and went to jail. During those two different periods he was locked up I wrote to him and we talked about God and I learned him and his wife were youth ministers at an assemblies of God church. I learned his wife had the Holy Ghost and he really was running from God. Now I knew why God made me talk to him. My friend really should of done hard prison time this time around but somehow God allowed him to come home. I believe God has answered his wifes prayers She has never given up on him. Neither have I . I knew one day he would come back to God. He promised me a while back when he got out he would go to my church because he sees the difference in me and yesterday he was true to his word. In all the seven years Ive known him he has always been kind to my family and told me I was like a sister to him. He said he would always be there for me and no one better ever hurt me. For the first time in seven years I saw this man cry at our alter. He used to tell me Noel every time I walk out the door I am constantly looking over my shoulder. I have no peace. I cant trust anyone. I cant depend on anyone. I have to carry a gun because Im not going to get killed out here. He said I pray every day for Gods mercy to stay with me and I pray one day Lord let me make it into the gates of heaven before its to late I was so touched by this and I always prayed that for him.
I know he isnt someone you would ever think would change but God can change anyone. I have seen him do it. I thought about a lot of other people I met out there and how God talked to me about them and God always ruined my little party by showing up and it would always end up me telling this person what God was saying and them crying and me crying and them saying how did you know?? I would say I dont but God does. I cant tell you how many times this happened to me when I was away from God. Every place I went God showed up weather I liked it or not. It was all part of Gods plan. This week I am going to contact some of those other people and invite them to church and what the devil meant for bad I am going to allow God to make it for the good. All these people I met was not an accident. They all were seeking God. Everyone of them. So that season in my life that I wish I could forget I will take advantage now and bring those souls to God. Let me say I would never do it the same if I could change it, but if God can get some glory by my mistakes then so be it. I thank God Michael and his wife came. They both said they felt a powerful touch of God and they would be back. Christina is a youth minister again at her church, but I plan on visiting with them a lot and maybe converting their whole church to oneness. God can. He is able. This couple was destined to serve God just like me. The scripture rings true today, "All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord." All things....My pastor preached a message yesterday about the Gift of peace. I was telling my husband honey I cant even explain how I feel about that message I said it was so beautifully articulated and spoken and I searched for words as my husband responded it was profound and fundamentally sound. I said yes.. That describes it well. That was one of the greatest messages I have had the privilege of hearing. This gift of peace is priceless and what this world is looking for. I remember seeing Michael with huge wads of cash and all the materiel things you could imagine. When he would come and eat he would look so exhausted and unhappy. He would say I have everything but peace of mind. God is the only way you can have peace. There is no music, no candle, no massage therapy, no drug, no person, no food no amount of money or any other thing that can be a source of true peace except for Jesus Christ. Come one come all for your cup of the perfect gift of peace.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Thanksgiving for Luke. He has made it this far.

I am asking everyone who reads my blog to thank God this Thanksgiving for the healing of Lukes liver. I am asking everyone to curse the cancer and by FAITH agree with me for a Divine miracle.

Here is some of what my friend Jen wrote. Keep in mind this is her child and yet she continues to give God the Glory. I personally am so moved by the spirit she has kept during this storm and how much more is God is moved. God has a way of showing up at the last minute and for us that sometimes is the hardest thing of all. Waiting on God. I plan to speak about a message God gave me one of these days about "A time that kills." I just know God is in control of this baby. I believe God for a complete healing...

Here is what Jen wrote,

We have just passed 100 days into our journey. We met with the transplant surgeon at Georgetown this week. He will be putting Lukey on the list for a liver. Meanwhile, my brother is going to go through the rigorous testing process to be a donor. I still believe God can step in and do a miracle. Dr. Jeffers preached the other morning that we serve an 11:59:59 God. He can step in at the last nanosecond and perform a miracle!Lukey has been putting weight back on. He is eating really well and is back up to 9kg. He has lost all his eyelashes and most of his eyebrows, but seems to be clinging on to what hair he has left. My song these days has been Casting Crown's I'll Praise You In The Storm. I always think the line "my strength is almost gone, how can I carry on if I can't find you". I've been told I am a strong person. I am sooooo not strong. I never volunteered for this. If I had a choice I would have turned my tail and ran and hid until it was all over. As a mom, you feel very defensive and protective about your babies. My animal instinct wants to hold Luke so that nothing can see him and rip to shreds anything that comes to harm him. I want to grab cancer by the throat and choke the life out of it. Whew..that took some energy to write. But I can't do that physically, so I speak to it. I speak the word of God and I claim healing. I speak the word over Luke and I rebuke cancer in the name of Jesus and that is more powerful than me choking it to death. We press on. We'll make it through. My God is an 11:59:59 God. So, what time is it? Posted by Jen Fernando

Now if that dosent move the hand of God I dont know what will. I am asking everyone to not only pray yourself but ask everyone you know to join together as the family of God and thank Him for the miracle. Thank Him for showing up on time and healing this baby.

Part of me is intimidated to speak this out in faith and my flesh wonders well what if it dosent happen and I know others are always careful not to try to walk on water. Well I curse unbelief and I am stepping out on a limb because I KNOW GOD CAN AND HE WILL!! I know I have had many calls for prayer for Luke.. As the old song says Lord Touch me Lord one more time. Lord Ive asked you so many times before, now Im asking you once more to reach way down and touch me one more time! Lets all bind together in thanksgiving for this child and have a well baby for Christmas. Nothing is to hard for God. NOTHING.. Thank you to everyone for believing God with me for a miracle of healing. Love everyone.. Have an awesome Thanksgiving if I dont post again until after. Love your family and love those who dont have family. I am so thankful for everyone God has put in our lives. I am so thankful for my church family and all God has blessed me with. I am rich in spirit. Thank you Jesus for healing Luke this Thanksgiving and for the power of prayer. I love you Lord....

Monday, November 17, 2008


Last week Bro. Omar came over and had dinner with us in salinas. We decided to go and pay a visit to our neighbor. Rosa was our neighbor before and God put her right around the corner from us again. Five years later. God has a plan. Rosa was pregnant with her daughter five years ago and she was having complications and was told the baby probably wouldnt make it. I told her to come to church with me and we would pray for her. We were in revival at the time with Bro Jonathan Haygood. He is one of my absolute favorites!! He has a powerful ministry. He is out of Bro Kilgores church in Texas. He has a very special place in our hearts. So, she went to church with us and Bro Haygood calls her out and starts to prophesy to her about her condition. She looks at me and I told her I had never mentioned her to him. She went up to the front and he began to pray for her healing. I literally saw in the spirit like blood vessels and a mass that shriveled up like someone put acid on it or something and it was gone. I told Rosa. The next day she went back to the doctor and the cyst that was causing the bleeding was GONE!! Sooo to this day she calls Carlita her miracle child and we have always had a special bond. She has the Holy Ghost and loves when we come by and pray with her. So back to last week. We go over and we all gather around including grandma who lives there and we began to take up prayer requests and we began to pray and spirit of God started move in that house and tongues of interpretation came forth and then they asked for prayer for the niece in panama who three months ago had a tumor removed from her brain. She had brain cancer. Well 3 weeks ago it came back. So we prayed and 2 days ago I saw Rosa's husband and I asked him how the niece was, he said "Didnt Rosa tell you?" She went in for a second opinion and to see how much more chemo she was going to have to do and the doctors came back puzzeled because they cant find the tumors.. Plural tumors!!! I know what happened and Rosa knows what happened. GOD HAPPENED!!! I saw Rosa yesterday and she said the niece was tumor free but weak from the chemo she has been through. So I told her if God can heal brain cancer Im sure he has some strength to give out!!! Dont tell me God does not heal today. He is a mighty healer. When we speak to sickness it MUST bow in the name of JESUS. Faith was captured for this niece in Panama and God was there while we stood in Rosa's living room here. God is so able to do far above all we can think or ask but we must believe. My friend Jen has this precious baby who now needs a liver transplant and Im asking God to give him a new liver. Because my God is able . Let every man be a liar and Gods word ring true where baby Luke is concerned. I dont care if all odds are against you God CAN and He WILL!!! All He needs is your Faith to motivate the miracle!!! I feel this fire in me burning to just scream out "People God IS THE HEALER of all sickness. There is no cancer or terminal disease that MY GOD cannot heal!!! NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE...THATS THE WORD OF GOD... THAT SETTLES THE ISSUE OF LIFE AND DEATH!!! GOD IS IN CONTROL OF EVERYTHING THAT MATTERS. TRUST GOD AND LEAN NOT TO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING BUT IN ALL YOUR WAYS ACKNOWLEDGE HIM AND HE SHALL BRING IT TO PASS!!!! THAT SETTLES IT FOR ME. I EXPECT NOTHING LESS BUT A COMPLETE HEALING AND RESTORATION FOR BABY LUKE. NOTHING LESS!!!! I BELIEVE HIS WORD IS TRUE. EVERY WORD IS TRUE!!! THANK YOU JESUS FOR YOUR MIRACULOUS HEALING POWER. THANK YOU FOR HEALING LUKE! WE KNOW WE CAN DEPEND ON YOU AND WILL TESTIFY FOR YOUR GLORY OF LUKES HEALING..

Monday, November 10, 2008

Staying out of the Box

It has been so busy. Thanksgiving is almost here.. Wow. What a year...
Boot camp was like having Christmas in my soul early. We had dinner with our good friends The Mendoza's this weekend. Pastor Mendoza got his salsa. It is so nice to see your friends and catch up and meet new people.
We met a guy from Illinois at their house. He was visiting on business. We all talked about Boot camp. This guy had met Bro Maddix too so it was great conversation and great food if I do say so myself.
Great church yesterday. My best friends son came to church. MIRACLE!!!!! A little prayer goes a long way!!!
I woke up at 2:00am I did like I always do and started to pray. I just prayed about everything I could think of. My poor husband I kept tossing and turning. I finally got restless and told God if you have me wide awake Lord tell me who or what I need to pray about so I can go back to sleep.
So, He did. I nudged my husband and told him to pray for this person with me. I think he did. I did. Then I started thinking about this young man and how God has changed him drastically.
We were at Super Taco place and I saw a lady walk through the door and I knew I was going to talk to her. On her way out God impressed me to go after her and pray for her. So I started asking everyone for a church card. As graceful as we "werent", lol Giovanni one of our young people says, "Where are you going Sis Noel. Are you going to witness?? I want to go with you, can I go???? Of course I tell him. So I go out and the lady doesn't speak english so the guy in the front seat starts to interpret. I told her I felt to pray for her and God sent me outside to pray for her. Gio started to translate for me in his broken spanish. As we began to minister to this van full of people. I think there was 6 of them all the youth started to join around the van. She said to us I need prayer for my kids. Im having a lot of problems with them at home and also I have a child who is still in Mexico and I want my child to come here. We started to pray. By now it felt like half our church was swarming this van and we began to pray right there in the parking lot. The man next to her started to cry and Gio started to explain to him in spanish not be afraid that it was the Holy Ghost he was feeling. The people in the very back got tears in their eyes. We gave them the church cards that we finally found and invited them to church. Omar finally popped up and translated to end it very well. I told this story to tell you the real miracle of the story to me was to see Giovann's face light up when he got up to go outside with me. It was like Christmas happened to him or something. I watched him as he was so excited to talk to these people with me and it was contagious his zeal and child like faith and to see him witness and talk about Jesus like he had known Him all his life touched my soul. It was almost like he couldnt contain himself. I wish you could of seen his face or watched him in action. It was beautiful. He looked at me as we walked away and he said that was awesome Sis Noel. He said get back in your box Sis Noel to which I replied, NEVER!! Who is next?? He laughed and you couldnt take away his smile if you tried. When we went back in one of the waitresses was watching us at the window to see what all the commotion was about. I have a feeling people all over Hollister are going to start buzzing about The pentecostal Church of Hollister.
When I finally went back to sleep I dreamed about a couple in our church praying a lady in a store through to the Holy Ghost. I was crying because this person told me one time, Sis Noel you are bold. Im not like that. In my dream she caught the boldness and I was crying in my dream thanking God that people who have lived in a box for so long were stepping out of it.
When God woke me up to pray for this young man in our church last night I thought, my God he has nothing, he is alone, he has to fight so hard, but yet you would never know by the way he talks to others about God. Every time I hear him talking lately he is talking to someone about God and how great God is. My husband always talks about this one message he heard called "Where are the weepers of this generation" I say "Where are the Giovanni's of our generation?" God bless us with more like him that are hungry and have a burning desire to be used by you.......

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Footsteps that follow Jesus...

I filled my car up with gas for $24.00 this am. $2.39 per gallon in salinas!! Yeah baby!!!! Hollister is still getting ripped off. Election day. I hate politics. Well God is on the move. Lets see, He sent me to see a backslider yesterday and tell them He loved them and He will not forget them. I got his info and told my husband we will reach out to him until he comes home.
My boss and I prayed for the insurance lady right here in the office. That was pretty cool. Way cool!! That my boss allows me to pray in the office and I am allowed the liberty to pray for people at random at work is a total blessing.
I have just felt a Holy Ghost boldness to pray anywhere, anytime for anyone.
Ive always done this but never with an assurance as I do now.
I realize that wherever you go God will open multiple doors of opportunity to speak to others about Him if you are listening. Bro. Nathaniel preached the other night about staying out of the box. I pray with all of my heart God will keep our church out of the box. God dosent operate inside of a box. God has no limitations. We limit God. I dont want to limit God anymore. I expect so much more than I can imagine is possible. I pray God will allow me to live in that mind set. I want to think like Jesus, just like Pastor preached. I want to have the mind of Christ.
I am still feeling the after effects of Boot Camp. I pray it never wears off. I still cant describe how awesome it has been to experience what we did. God is so good to me I could never thank Him enough. I feel so blessed beyond measure. Thank you Lord for giving me a second chance to allow you to use me for your Glory and Honor.
This life is better than any life I have ever known. Keep me Lord in your will. That is the most important thing I can do is seek His will. Lord let there be more of you and less of me. Order my footsteps Lord. Let me see, hear and speak through your eyes and ears and let it be your voice they hear when I speak Jesus. In your precious name I pray....Let my every footstep follow You...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I honestly don't know where to start. My heart is so overwhelmed. Pastor Matt Maddix has left an impression on my life I will never forget nor be the same again. I can tell you I never expected to be so drastically changed.
My first thanks would be to Bro Nathaniel for bringing us Soul Winners Boot camp. My pastor who said yes to him and so on. Bro Nathaniel's decision to bring us this event has forever changed the city of Hollister and our church as we knew it.
I believe with All of my heart and All of my soul the burden Pastor Matt Maddix birthed in our church is the message every church in America should hear. Bro. Arcovio has a message and a burden that goes right along with Pastor Maddix. They should hook up.
My heart is so full of things I am struggling to get it written into words. My heart is on fire. That's how I feel. I cant look at people the same. I just want to stop and talk to everyone I know about Jesus. I feel guilty if I don't. God spoke to me so clearly in this revival and said to me. This is your purpose. This is the purpose of your life. I always wondered about tomorrow and how everything would turn out. I could care less about my future now. I know I'm going to heaven and I want to take as many people as I can with me.
The saying is true, You take care of Gods stuff and He will take care of yours. It IS just that simple.
I cant even describe the passion that has ignited my spirit for soul winning. When you hear Pastor Maddix share his burden and share his testimony you cant help but let God grip your soul. I cried most of the time he preached because I felt such a burden for what he was saying. I watched this man spend every ounce of energy he had to get a hold of us. Then I watched him and his team in action exhausted but fervent for Jesus. They pushed and pushed until they broke through.
And did we ever break through. I got it. I embraced it and it changed who I am.
When he talked about getting to a place in prayer where nothing offended you. I thought now that is a place I want to be. I am going to be!!! In Jesus name. I came out of this knowing there is NOTHING my God cant do.
I watched people lost and going to hell repent and get baptized and receive the Holy Ghost out in the streets in front of my face. It was amazing! I watched this team of men literally take over our city. I watched our youth full of the Holy Ghost praying with people in the park putting into action the soul winning plan. I have to take the time to say I have NEVER worked with a group of young people like the youth in Hollister. I LOVE each and every one of them so much. The passion and loyalty and love for God and each other is rare. I was so proud of them and I see they are a product of awesome leadership. Bro. Kirk and Sis Tena are priceless in the kingdom of God. They have mentored these young people and nurtured them into great saints of God. Our pastor and his wife have just loved all the good into them and it shows!!
I could start naming something so special and unique about each one. Thats another post. I just had to say I am honored to be part of their lives. My husband and I spend a lot of time with them and we love every minute!!
Speaking of my husband. Where do I start? Get ready salinas, there is a soul winner on the loose!!!! He is armed and looking for you!! lol
I dont know this man but I sure love him!!! lol
It just goes on and on. I feel so privileged to have been a part of this. I am going to write a personal letter of thanks to Pastor Maddix for ALL they did in Hollister. Sunday my daughter received the Holy Ghost after Bro Josh spent time praying her through. You sir will always remain a very special part of my prayers and heart. Bro Josh Combs is a children's minister and he is a soldier for Jesus. What remarkable young man. Lord Bless him. In closing I will say if anyone didnt catch the vision and burden for soul winning after this you wont. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and if you didnt catch it under the powerful anointing we had well God help ya. I am very close to having one of my lifetime prayers being answered.
Pastor Maddix, Bro. Downs, Bro. Smith and Bro Travis,Bro Josh, mom and granny and uncle. What a team!!! What a blessing. What a vision! You are forever in my prayers and I pray that America catches the vision. This is missions in America. Every church in America needs to experience this. It was an honor to be a part of Soul Winners Bootcamp. Thanks, Bro Than! Thank you Pastor and Sis Hurst for allowing us one of the greatest blessings Hollister has ever seen.
Now the work begins! Lets labor together!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I expect Miracles!!!

Saturday night my husband and I along with some of the youth were talking around the fire about some situations and all month that scripture that says if two or three agree on any one thing in my name I will do it. I stood up and said so guys I have the solution. I quoted the scripture. Except I wasnt sure exactly how it went and if anyone can quote it please do on my blog comments!!! I told them lets just agree and it will be done. AMEN!!
We all prayed and Sunday morning pastor quoted the scripture and I looked at Bro Jason who was there and pointed at him. We both smiled at God's confirmation. Pastor had everyone speak in FAITH about what they expected from God during this BootCamp. I kept thinking how powerful that scripture is about where two or three agree on ANYTHING He will do it. That is Bible. I dont know why it never impacted me before. ANYTHING!!!!! Everything that was said was awesome. Mimi rocked!!!! Those girls all rocked. Little preacher girls!!! Fire!! Daniel, I just love Daniel. He has such a uniqueness about him. I cant explain it, but he has something very special in him. I cant wait to see what the Lord produces out of him. My husband. Wow... My friend from San Jose!!! She was so inspiring. I didnt get up which is unusual for me. I fought it the whole time. Ill say it here. I expect all those dreams God has been giving me about healing and faith to come to fruition. I want to be able to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. I want to lay hands on people and see them instantly delivered and set free from drugs and alcohol and demonic forces. I expect chains to be broken and people to be set free from bondage. I expect MIRACLES!!! I expect the supernatural! Just like God has been dealing with me about. Its time and I expect to be there when God performs Miracles this week!!! I am sooooooo excited. I expect my daughter to be filled with the HolyGhost on her Birthday Friday Night in downtown Hollister!!!! I expect it all and more!!!! I do not limit God!! I expect more than I can think or ask for.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Agree with me in Prayer...

Picture of BABY LUKE AND MOMMY JEN...Another call for PRAYER...
Talking with mom sometimes puts everything in perspective. My mom is so full of faith in God today. It was exhilarating. Bro Arcovia is back with them. My mom really cheered me up today. Thank God for her. Oh how I cant wait for church on sunday. We have had another death in our family. We missed the past two church services and I am craving church. I told my pastors wife Im addicted and I feel like Im having withdraws. I need my Jesus fix. We pray and all that good stuff, but its not the same as when everyone unites for the same reason. We all are there to worship and hear the Word of God. It feeds my soul. The greatest part for me is standing in His presence. Feeling the anointing sweep over your spirit during the music and worship. Feeling the power of God during the preaching that stirs your soul. Just to love Him and feel His love reciprocated back to you. Such an awesome experience. Every time you show up you are changed. Your heart is restored. Healing virtue flows. Strength is given. Futures begin. Peace of mind can be found. Virtue is poured back in. The answer awaits. Its just altogether good. Jesus is there. It doesn't get any better than that. I miss my Jesus... Everyone please remember my good friend Jen. Her son Luke is in the process of being healed fully and completely. In the process they have had some awful struggles and as a mother when I read what she has been enduring as a mother my heart simply breaks for her. She is my sister in Christ and I have just taken this whole ordeal very personally to my heart. God said where two or three stand together and agree on ANY ONE THING, IT IS DONE!!!! PLEASE AGREE WITH ME TODAY IN A FULL AND COMPLETE MIRACLE OF HEALING FOR BABY LUKE. IN JESUS NAME.. Please pray for Jen that God would lift her spirits and send her a note of encouragement if you have some time. It will help. Her name is on the left with all the miracle believers under Sis Jen. Thank you and I Love everyone and Lord Bless you all.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Try shaking your fist at the devil then stand behind your pastor and stick out your tongue at him!

We had a kick the devil in the teeth service last night. Pastor Hurst had a Holy Ghost outburst in his preaching. It was as the kids say, "Off the Hook!!!" He preached about God being our protector and our help in time of need. He preached it didnt matter if the economy was going under we are children of the King. We have our treasures laid up in heaven and we could depend on God. He said a lot but the main thing that I received was, not to worry what the world or the devil wants us to worry about, causing fear and disbelief. But to put our trust and faith in God. It was way better than what I can write down on this blog. It gave hope to every situation. Great or small. When you think about it, God is really in control. He has a plan of action for everything. He knows whats best in all situations. He is God!!!
It was a conference message on a wednesday night! Ha! I know the devil hates that. We were driving home and I talked to Faith on the road and my best friend. Then I texted one of our youth to tell them the preaching was for me. We were on crazy horse canyon road. It is a back road we take home and we always have a faithful tailgater or a high beamer on the opposite side of the road or Mr. slowpoke in front of us. So we are traveling the speed limit 55 MPH which I strictly obey because of the conditions of this road. You never want to be speeding back there. To many things can go wrong. Out of no where pops out this deer! My husband slams on his breaks and I just scream out JESUS! We skid down the road for almost a minute it seemed. I just kept saying JESUS!! My daughter woke up. She always sleeps on our way home wednesday nights. She says, mommy whats happening? We were still skidding. She sees the deer in front of us. Finally the bouncing deer goes back into the brush and we continue on. I just started thanking God and speaking in tongues in the car. I thanked God my husband reacted correctly. I thanked God we didnt hit the deer at full speed and it didnt come right through the windshield. I thanked God No One was behind us at that moment. I thanked God No One was in the opposite lane that could of hit us or the deer causing a major accident. I thanked God we were all safe and unharmed. Our car was perfectly fine and that God kept His hand on us and kept us from what could of ended in death. It was proof in the preaching that had just come forth. No matter what the devil tries to do to us. God has his hands on us. You had to have been there to understand this next statement. Devil Im shaking my fist at you AND Im sticking out my tongue. Of course Im standing behind my pastor!! Hes quite taller than Bro. Barnes but you get the picture for those who were there. God is good ALL THE TIME!!! I just keep thinking of all the things that could of happened and didnt. That car just stayed straight and steady as we skidded down the road. It truly was miraculous. I really believe angels were guiding that car and kept everything out of the way. Although I told my husband thank God for him and his expert driving skills wink, wink!!lol :)
On a lighter note my husband said we should of gave the deer a little tap and had some good eating! To that comment my animal rights, activist daughter replied, DADDY!!!!Dont say that about one of Gods creatures!! lol lol Oh my stars!! All in a night of the life of the Cordovas... Stay tuned!! lol
ps. Markus I should of answered the phone you could of heard the whole thing!! :)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Just Show up and Jesus will do the rest!!

Spending a little time with Jesus makes everything better. Sunday was a time of refreshing for me. I have been in such a heavy and dark place and I knew I just had to show up and everything would be alright. I don't know if you have ever felt like it was a struggle to to get to the house of God. Part of me was just saying don't go. Just stay in bed and forget it. I know that's awful, but hey its the truth. I got up anyway and started to get ready. I kept telling myself if I just show up everything will be ok.
My best friend called me and she was sitting in the parking lot of her church and she didn't want to go in. I started laughing to myself and she started to cry and I told her, friend remember when you used to tell me all the time you just have to keep showing up? I used to think that was so stupid when you said that about yourself, but today I completely understand what you meant. I told her just get in there and everything will be ok. I told her I know you don't have anything to give but like I heard a long time ago Jesus is still worth the praise. Even when you feel like you have nothing to offer just praise Him because He is worthy. That's not being fake. That's just what is right. If you just show up God will do the rest. I told her just go in and then when its over come and visit us. Then we will go to prayer later. She has been coming down and praying with us on Sunday nights. She told me how much it has been blessing her. Then I hung up and thought about how I didn't want to go and my friend needed me to carry her spiritually. I never told her anything about all that has been going on with me. She still doesn't know. My whole point here is, What got me over and out of my own trial was helping her out of hers. It took my focus off of me and caused me to forget about myself and help her. I know we all have our times of weakness and our own problems and issues, but what helped me is helping someone else. My stuff just wasn't important anymore. I needed to remind my friend God has everything in His Hands. By reminding her, I reminded myself. God kept telling me during the service I am God all by myself in your life. there is nothing I cant do or fix or make right in your life. The Lord reminded me my problems were not as big and hopeless as I thought. In fact He told me they were petty. How is that for a big rebuke? lol He said Noel these things are nothing to me, one touch of my Hand and they will be gone. He said give me something good! There is nothing to hard for me!! God ministered to me in song and in the preaching. When someone prayed over me I felt like this huge load just lift off of me. I told my friend after service God just touched me and took it all away. Whatever it was that was weighing me down. She went home renewed and refreshed in the spirit. God is so good. I thank God for my best friend. God has blessed me with her friendship and we have always been there when the times get tough. But more than that I thank God for His friendship. He is so faithful and just. He is so merciful and patient and kind. He is my everything and the best problem solver of all time. Nothing is to hard for the Lord. Cast all your cares upon the Lord for He cares for you and He knows what your going through, why don't you cast all your cares upon the Lord???....
I saw this song on The Holly's Blog this girl who is singing I just loved her voice and the anointing is unbelievable! You have to see this.. The POA Choir.
Check it out by clicking below. Love you all....

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just Stand!

I am mentally tired today. I know had I not been prayed up this storm would be kickin my you know what. I know God is right here with me, but I feel drained. That song called "STAND" keeps going through my mind. What do you do when you've done all you can and it seems like its never enough, YOU JUST STAND. I love that song. It is my prayer today. That God will help me to stand when it seems like I'm alone and no one really understands or knows my pain, I pray God will help me to just keep STANDING..
I pray that heaven is not so far away. I long to leave behind the cares of this life and be with Jesus. All these constant battles of the flesh we fight against. A war that has no end until that glorious day when He comes and takes us away from all of this. I realize today. NO ONE really knows anything like Jesus does. That's why God asked us not to put our trust in man but in Him.
Life shows up for all of us and I'm starting to see most of what comes our way is dictated by our reaction to the problem. How we handle it. Sometimes even when you handle it with prayer and caution and Godly counsel it still doesn't make much sense to the human mind, but my trust is in God and that is where my help comes from. He has never let me down. I will continue to stand and be reassured in knowing God is faithful and promised to protect me and take care of me.
I know He will. So my hope is in Him. Things are not always as they seem. Help me Lord when I feel like falling to just like the song says, STAND!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Tag Im it....

Mindy tagged me so I will humor myself! Ha!
Meme terms & conditions
1. link the person who tagged you
2. mention the rules on your blog
3. list 6 unspectacular things about you
4. tag 6 other bloggers
I tag Laura, Noel, Danelle
I would like everyone to list ONE thing they think IS spectacular about you?????

Six unspectacular things about me.

1. I don't like waking up in the morning.
2. I love to sleep in but never do.
3. I love to cook.
4. I love to watch cooking shows.
5. I need coffee before conversation in the morning.
6. I enjoy reading other blogs and blogging...
One thing that I think "is "spectacular about me is, Im a good cook...

Soooooo.. I tag Nicole, Faith if she sees this, and Christina I'll tag three more later..

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No Meat Just Broth..

OK You guys aren't going to believe this. Im going into my 4rth day of fasting. It has been hard. My husband will testify to just how hard it has been for me. lol I love you honey...:) Cant wait to cook for you next week...
I went to the store on my lunch because I started to get a headache and not feel so good. I went to the soup isle and looked at all the soups and the Lord impressed me not to get the chicken noodle I wanted but to have broth with some veggies in it. My word I never noticed there were so many different soups. I was just drawn to all the ones with meat. I really am hungry. I kept looking and this guy that works there, comes around the corner and says, "HI!" He says, "I just wanted to say hi to you." Im like ooookkkk.. He then stands there as I keep looking. He then says, "Are you a christian?" I say, "Yes. Why do you ask?" He says well are you apostolic or pentecostal? I said "Yes Im pentecostal." He said "I knew it!" You have a glow on your face and I just knew with the way you were dressed and your face I can just see it!" I told him well its not me its the Lord Ive been fasting for a few days and thats Jesus you see. I asked him "Do you go to church?" He said no, but he was raised apostolic in salinas. I asked him when the last time was that he went to church and he said, it had been a year. I told him Adam was his name. You need to come and visit us in Hollister. There is nothing like Jesus. I went on to tell him it was meant for our paths to cross and he promised he would come and visit. He stood with tears filling his eyes as I handed him a card and told him God cares about his soul. I shared some of my testimony briefly with him and got my "BROTH" with no MEAT only veggies and left. As I drove away I started to speak in tongues and cry and God spoke to me and said "My children are lost!" No one is looking for them. I love their souls. I want them to come home. Dont forget my children" I just cried because I remember leaving church and never being able to get away from God. He would just chase me it seemed. I should not be here today, but God didnt forget about my soul. Someone prayed or a lot of people prayed I dont know. But I remember running into Juan Campos in a burger place when I was backslid and he just started prophesying to me. Everywhere I went God would show up. I thought about that on my drive back to work. How much our souls meant to God. I thought about how God persued me. I feel so blessed to have escaped death and have another chance to serve God. I have felt so much regret over the time I wasted away from the Lord. Like I told Adam nothing will ever satisfy your soul like Jesus. I know we have a world to win but I never want to forget those who have gone astray because I am living proof there is HOPE for anyone! Dont give up on God's Children. He hasnt...Please pray for Adam..

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Soul to Remember....

Our focus has been souls. Fasting and prayer for souls. Soul winner's boot camp!! Sunday one of my best friends came down and she decided to go with me to prayer that evening. I wish I could explain in words what these prayer meetings have done for me and how much they have enriched my soul. It is just beyond beautiful to be with Jesus. We were all talking afterwards and we talked about being in Love with the Lord. There is such a huge difference in loving someone and being totally in love with someone. The kind of love that just takes your breath away. I didn't want to leave. I told my friend sometimes I wish I didn't have the responsibilities and I could just stay for hours with Jesus like I used to. Don't take it the wrong way. I love my family, but I have to admit I wish I had more time to share in the presence of the Lord in that secret place. When you spend any amount of time there, its hard to step back into the reality of the flesh. I understand now what they were talking about when they say, to be lost in His presence. I could just go on and on about my precious Lord, but I want to share what the Lord gave to me Sunday. He always sends us off with gifts. I love Him sooooooooo much....
As I prayed the Lord brought back to my remembrance a story I heard from a woman preacher. (I will really have to condense this.) She and her husband were missionaries somewhere in Africa and they lived in a village where leprosy was an epidemic. The smell was awful she said. She told about how she would go to the church and the man from the village would greet her at the doors by nodding his head. He never reached out to shake her hand because he had no hands. Plus she said she wouldn't touch them because leprosy was contagious. She went home one evening and she saw a woman with leprosy standing in her kitchen doing the dishes and she quickly rushed to her husband and said, "She cant stay here!" She has leprosy, we have children!" She said she was so upset with her husband.
Her husband turned around and looked at her and said,"This woman was beaten within inches of her life for coming to church. She has no where to go and they will kill her." He continued to say, "If you want her to go back, then here are the keys to my truck, you take her and can you do me a favor?" He said, "Can you stop by Calvary on your way home?" He walked away.. She said she went to the church to pray and passed the man who nodded to her. She went to lay out her shawl she always brought with her careful not to touch the ground. The Lord spoke to her and said, "Remove the shawl!" She said, "but Lord the floor is dirty and full of skin bacteria!" The Lord said it again louder.. She finally agreed to remove the shawl and laid her face on the dirty ground and prayed through and wept like she never had before. She said when she came out she asked the man for his hand. He looked perplexed and shook his head. She told him,"from now on I want you to give me your arm when I walk past you. I am not afraid to shake your hand anymore. She said Jesus gave her a fresh glimpse at Calvary. She said she cried so much but learned a painful lesson in looking past the fault and seeing the need. God will protect us when we are doing His work. God started to speak to me under the spirit of intersession and told me, "It is the soul that I see" I don't look at the sin and all the stuff you and others see. I see the soul!!! Look through my eyes!! See the soul. This revival you have planed is a good thing the Lord said, but don't forget the souls that sit among you who are hanging in the balance. He kept bringing two young ladies to my mind over and over as I prayed for them and travailed for their souls. God told me how much he loved them and He sees their souls and they matter so much. He impressed me we can win all of Hollister but, He didn't want me to forget them. I felt like God was saying, "Don't forget to take care of your own first." Love the souls I have given you first. Reach for them with all you have first!!" Then go out into the city with those you didn't forget and together we will win the city." No one person is insignificant to God. I don't know these women. But I now know just how special they are to God. I will try to reach out to them. It was remembrance for me of the parable of the lost sheep. We are all here yet God is searching for the soul that has gone astray. God is in this whole revival we have planned. I just want to make sure we don't forget to take everyone with us. God doesn't just want some of us. He wants all of us. I know sometimes we see certain people just sitting there, BUT, they are there!!!!!! Don't look past them and decide their destiny. Get a fresh glimpse of Calvary and see their soul because that is what matters to God. Jesus help me to see the soul....

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bless me with a Bigger CUP!

Sunday... what a day.. Let me tell you. The enemy knew how God was going to move and I have to share with you how it all happened for me. Saturday we had spent the night at my cousins house and got up and had breakfast with them and we left around 10:45am. We went home to get cleaned up and ready. I knew we were going to run late so as my daughter climbed right into bed I laid down next to her and told myself, just 20 minutes.. We will go at 2:00pm and miss Bible Hour. I know! Bad, bad, bad.. We have been doing much better to. Lord help us.
I woke up at 1:00pm panicked and ran across the hall to get my husband who had "decided" to let me sleep. First time ever. He was all showered but had not got dressed and assumed I would sleep through it. HA!! I told him "Come On!! We have to go! We cant miss church!! Something in me was just telling me, you cant miss church today. No matter what. It doesn't matter if you are late just GO!! Then I told my daughter to get up and move quickly as she grumbled. She said " We are late mommy. We shouldn't go if we are late and something just kind of clicked inside. I looked at her and I said, "WE HAVE TO GO!! YOUR DAD AND ME HAVE TO BE IN CHURCH TODAY!! WE WONT MAKE IT IF WE DON'T GO TO CHURCH ANA" She looked at me and realized how serious I was and she says, "Ok mommy lets go! Just have faith ok? We are gonna make it!" I hurried and we got in the car by 1:20pm exactly enough time to make it by 2:00pm I was determined even if we only got there for the preaching it was going to be ok. I never sleep in the middle of the day. Go figure! We get about 15 minutes into our trip and BAM! Traffic. Bumper to bumper.. No end in sight. We sit in it for 30 minutes finally later than we have ever been, we get there. I think it was close to 2:30pm. The music was still playing. Then Bro Nathaniel proceeds to get up and preach about our victory is in our praise. As I prayed for him as he began his message, I prayed for the Lord to pour a powerful anointing upon him as he preached. I prayed for God to bind every spirit of distraction. He went on and I am telling you He had such a powerful anointing on him it was unbelievable. More than I could of ever prayed for. He was so in the Holy Ghost as he started to tell everyone what the spirit of God was saying. I knew God was working in the supernatural. My husband needed a touch from God so much. Finally at the end Bro Gary prayed over him and God just struck him. Bro Gary was under such a powerful anointing of God. I could feel the Holy Ghost like a bolt of lightning as Bro Gary walked back and forth. I knew every person he prayed for, got something powerful from God. When we brought our wallets to the front and Bro Nathaniel laid hands on us I felt this enormous pressure under the power of God grip me and I couldn't even move momentarily. I could feel the power of God so strong in the church. We stayed way after it was over. I just kept praying. I saw Amanda laid out as Sis Mindy prayed over her. I watched Danelle completely taken over by the power of God. It was beautiful to see her just saturated in the spirit. She was the last one to leave. I cant even tell you what all took place because it was a lot. God swept through Hollister that day to put the drink of victory back into our cups. I thank God for that. Sometimes we don't know where each one of us is at. Sometimes some of us have our backs against the wall just like he preached and God steps in and says, "Ok that's enough devil!" Move out of the way! This is my child and I am going to bring them out," I just started to thank God in the good and the bad. And let me tell you as much as I dont want to, there was bad going on around me and I needed God to step in and give me direction and take care of this situation. I never planned on Him to show up sunday when we were late to bless us in such a mighty way. It was a life changing service. God used so many in so many different ways. I thank God more than anything He took care of a very serious, potentially spiritually fatal problem in my family. He never takes His hand off of us. We are so unworthy. He is so faithful answer and forgive all of us. This service exceeded every expectation I had. I wonder what would happen if I actually started to expect so much more than what I do. Throw out the limits I have placed on God and yielded mind, body and soul to Him. If I stopped caring who was looking and what people would think. I just wonder..... I dont think my cup could hold all the victories God has for us. I know one thing for sure is, I need a bigger cup!

Friday, September 12, 2008

God is Real....

My family has been meeting and praying together for my grandfather who is gone. A catholic thing of some sort. Out of respect I have went. I dont repeat the hail mary's but I do say the Lord's Prayer so they dont think Im being totally disrespectful.
My husband just sits there and ACTS completely confused on purpose and says nothing. I have to pinch myself not to laugh at him. They cook a great dinner which is part of my motivation to go. I get out of cooking. I know that probably sounds horrible, but its the truth and the food makes it worth every moment.. lol
So, last night we go and my word... Chicken mole, green chicken enchiladas, rice, beans and pie..... I thought about saying the hail mary for a brief moment.. It was so good..Im kidding. lol OH Lord. After they were done with the rituals, my aunt said something shocking. She said ok now does anyone have anything they want to pray about in their way?? One of my other aunts asked for prayers for our family and my other aunt asked prayers for her daughter and all the troops in Iraq where my cousin is stationed. I jumped in and asked for prayer for my friend Jen's baby Luke. Then they asked me or Albert to pray. SHOCKING!!!!! These are catholic to the grave people. Albert prayed such a great prayer as everyone prayed to themselves.
Then my uncles wife (my aunt) asked me to pray for her because she said she can feel the holy spirit when I pray. I did. She started to cry at the table. I hugged her. My family started to fidget. Then my aunt gave a praise report without knowing. During the funeral one of my nieces who I adore sat down with me and my favorite cousin Ted. She told us she didnt believe in God. My cousin and I talked to her and told her prayer works. My boy cousin is the only one in my family who actually has people pray for him all the time. He wont go to church or anything and says Im crazy all the time but he will tell the victory outreach guys when he sees them to lay hands on his checkbooks and always asks me to pray for his business when things are slow. I tell him all the time thats why he is blessed. He agrees. Anyhow he asked me to talk to Alex because he didnt want her not to believe in God it bothered him. So I told her a few stories. Then I told her, "Alex, I challenge you to do something for one week." I told her to say to God even if she didnt believe, "God if you are real show yourself to me. Let me see that you exist" I told her to do this for a week. She lives in LA. Soooo last night (about a week after our conversation) at the prayer thing my aunt told us Alex's mom called and said she took Alex to a church that had live music and the people were worshipping God and Alex started to cry and couldnt stop. When they left Alex said "Mom I know God is real now just like Auntie Noel said" He is Real...... I see God beginning to work in my family. They didnt go to our kind of church, but hey whatever it takes. She is headed in the right direction. It is soooooo awesome! If you only knew what a miracle this truly is. It is amazing..Thank you Lord... Everything I went through was for a reason. God will always turn things around for the good... He is so real... So faithful and I love the Lord so much I could never put into words the way I feel about my Jesus. He is my greatest friend....

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I killed a Fly..

AAAhhhhhhrrrrrGGGGGGG!!!! The enemy has been in full buzz mode today! I was so disappointed in my daughter's choice this morning before she left to school. We encountered a life lesson to be continued when she gets home.. As they grow so do the challenges of life. Can I get an amen?? My husband was fussing. The little devils were just an irritating noise today. Buzzing around. Like flys. I HATE FLYS!!! They are so absolutely disgusting. I wish spirits that make noise were visible like flys so I could take a fat book and smash them to smithereens!! Watch the blood and guts splatter!!! No I havent gone insane Im just fed up with the noise of the devil and I want to give him a kick in the teeth.
Flys are like bad spirits. They are so annoying. They come in uninvited and spread their gross bacteria on your food and ruin it and buzz around your head and make an awful sound. Then I think how much more power we have over the fly. If we aim right and are quick enough we can kill them right away before they can ruin anything else. I dont know about you, but I chuck the food if a fly lands on it. They are just grosser than gross. Yak!! Blah.. Then I thought about how flys dont bother some people. They can land on their food. Buzz around their head. Some people just tolerate the fly. NOT ME LYING DISGUSTING flys or spirits.... GET OUT!!! In the spirit of prayer and the word I can kill this annoying opposition and in life, You can buzz around but you cant hide. I will hunt you down and kill you quickly. A fly doesn't stand a chance around me. I wont rest until its dead. Thus stirring me up spiritually using this analogy. I will say to the spirits buzzing around my family,
You better look out satan look out! You better look out saten look out.. For I come to you in the name of the Lord so look out satan look out!!!!! SPLAT!! Your dead!!! lol

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Thank God for the Mellows...

So I think I'm stopping for a drink at the gas station because I'm thirsty.
God has an agenda of His own. I over hear this older gentleman talking to the clerk about God and of course I cant help myself but to make a comment about the Lord.
The older gentleman Henry starts to talk with me about his son and how he is incarcerated and he just wont change. So I told him, "sir many of people have said they would never change and I know you think there is no hope for your son, but I am telling you we did not run into you by accident tonight and God can change your son." I told him I wanted him to meet my husband and I wanted to meet his wife who was out in the car waiting for him. My husband sees me leading the man out and gets out of the car fully aware of whats happening. I introduce myself and my husband to Rita and we talk some more and I can see the pain in Mr Mellows eyes over his son, I begin to tell him that God sees his pain and God will not forget his son and he started to cry so did I. Then his wife started to cry and he told us part of the story of how he had adopted this son and he knew in his heart God gave him this boy and he was so worried this man who is 39 now, will never change his life and my husband began to encourage the couple and say " sir you don't know where God brought me from. I used to be just like your son. I know what you are going through. The man looked at us and he said, " Honey tell these people what Ive been asking you , do you feel it? something is going on. He told us that he has been praying to God to tell him what he is supposed to do with his life. He said, "I am 76 and I know I'm supposed to do something and my wife to, but I don't know what it is. We told him sir, "that's why God sent us here to talk to you and invite you to a place that will change your life. He begin to ask about out church and if he had to be a member for someone to teach him more about the Bible? Can you imagine this??? It happened, just like I'm saying. We talked some more and I asked them if we could stop and pray for them and their son. He walked towards us and his frail wife who has a hurting back slowing lifted herself from the passenger seat where she was sitting and we all joined hands right there at valero gas station and my husband and I began to pray over them and their situation. They both thanked us and gave us their number and said they looked forward to hearing from us. We were late to church. We had God write us an excuse.. ;) My husband and I were just amazed.. It was such a blessing to be able to be used by God this way. Amazing!!!!!! Then the missionary preached about FAITH AND MIRACLES.. I couldn't of asked for God to be more personal to me than He was last night. His message rocked my soul!! Everything God has been saying for the past couple of months to me came out of his mouth.. God is so good and so personal. Sooo I am thrilled to say we are going to be teaching the Mellows a Bible study and I'm here to say , Don't give up on God! This man is seeking to know God at 76!!! God will not forget you! There is a lost and dying world hungry for God. Age makes no difference at all. God sees the heart. God heard that man. God answered his cry. Thank you Lord for the Mellows....

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Outcome is Victorious!

I started taking two steps forward and Wham! Death, persecution, sickness, and then some. Yes, the devil definitely knows my name. I set a date to start the children's choir. I started to make an extra trip to the church to pray. I started to speak in Faith what God has put on my heart. Death visits my family. I am faced with heavy persecution over my beliefs by the ones I love the most. I stand.. Sickness plagues myself, my daughter and now my husband. God wakes me up at 4:00 am Monday and tells me the enemy is coming in like a flood to keep me from what God has intended me to do but He will raise up standard against the enemy of my soul. Sunday I made it to church spiritually wounded and my church family prayed for me and then the choir sang a song about God being the Lifter of my head. Though thousands come against me. God began to speak to me that He was my greatest friend and good would come out of all the persecution by my family and God would bring salvation out of my persecution. Healing virtue begin to flow through my heart that was full of hurt and pain. You can never imagine how painful it can be to listen to your family speak ill of all that you believe and become hostile towards you because I refuse to agree I'm crazy and stand for what I believe. I don't say mean things back I just walk away and pray for God to give me the strength to endure. Scriptures of comfort fly through my mind while I'm in the fire that keep me. A year ago if I had been through all of this I would not of turned to God in my misery. I just wasn't this strong I remember looking at all the alcohol at my cousins house at the gathering we had after the funeral and thanking God He delivered me from the chains that kept me bound. I thanked God I had no desire to drink or medicate my pain with anything but Jesus. I realize today God prepared me for all of this. Being in this church has made me stronger than Ive been in years. The prayers of the church kept me. I know the devil is after me because God has appointed me to a high calling in prayer. I felt it when I went a couple Sundays ago. The foundation of the city of Hollister began to shake under the prayers of myself and Sis TinaV and Sis TinaE. I even experienced a new tounge. It was powerful prayer!
So.... here's my answer. My comeback....
Pray harder for me, because even though I'm sick I refuse to lay down. You can bring death, persecution, sickness but I will still pray.. I will still do the children's choir. I will still love my family. I will still do what Jesus has called me to do. So please pray for me that I get a quick and complete healing. Pray for my family who is also under attack. GOD IS GREATER!!!
This too shall pass. This all just motivates me to fight harder and to pray more. I am most grateful for being in such a better frame of mind. God knew to move my family and place us exactly where He did. He knew I needed to be strong to be able to endure this storm. Being in Hollister has literally saved my soul from utter destruction. God has put so much back into us since we have been here. I could of never stood through this without the virtue God has put back into me. Without the prayers and support our church family has given us. Without the pastor and pastors wife God has put over our souls. Without the love and nurturing that has been shown to our family. You will never know how this change has affected us for the good. Thank you Bishop and Sister Nelson for your wisdom and direction and thank you Pastor and Sis Hurst for taking us in and providing the love and encouragement we needed to get to where we "STAND" in "VICTORY" today. Thank you Lord for loving me so much...
Had it not been for your grace and mercy and unfailing love I would not of made it here today to claim Victory in Your Blessed Name.

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